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Architect’s migration, Meyer and the Bauhaus Brigade



The central topic of this talk will be the mass migration of the architects and urban planners to the USSR in the 1930s. The economic crisis and political engagement made such creators as the second Bauhaus director Hannes Meyer, the radical urban planner Ernst May, the pioneer Austrian designer Margarete Schütte-Likhotsky, and many other of their colleagues go eastwards. There, regardless of human price it took, new factories were to be planned and built and their workers dwelled in new cities. What hopes and ambitions did the migrant architects have? Did they try to adapt to the dramatic context and try to realize their ideas? How did this attempt end for them?

Tatiana Efrussi, architecture historian, artist, Paris
Moderation: Andreas Vass, ÖGFA, Vienna

An event by ÖGFA – Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur.