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Fortress of Metaphysics. The Transgression and The Beyond.

Distinguished Slovenian philosopher Peter Mlakar in a conversation with author and editor Uwe Schütte, exploring unresolved questions of philosophy. Peter Mlakar, celebrated as one of Slovenia’s foremost philosophers, is driven by profound philosophical inquiries such as death, nothingness, the mind, and the boundaries of thought. As a member of the Neue Slowenische Kunst collective, Mlakar’s unconventional metaphysical musings pursue the notion of an Über-truth. Festung der Metaphysik compiles four decades of his thought-provoking and boundary-crossing writings. Organized into three sections – sermons (delivered at Laibach concerts), literary texts, and philosophical treatises – editor Uwe Schütte offers a provocative, entertaining, and profound glimpse into Mlakar’s explorations of unresolved questions of philosophy. The Best of Peter Mlakar!

Conversation in English, reading in German and Slovenian.

Peter Mlakar, philosopher, Ljubljana
Moderation: Uwe Schütte, author, Berlin

Peter Mlakar, Metaphysik. Die Transgression und das Jenseits, Wien: Passagen Verlag 2023

An event by Slowenisches Kulturinformationszentrum SKICA Wien and Passagen Verlag.

Disruptive Infrastructures

Where do the escape routes from the Yugoslav war in 1992 and the paths of a highway construction plan from 2020 intersect? Amel Bešlagić traces the trajectories of these entangled routes in his hometown Kozarac, Bosnia and Hercegovina. In two short films he maps and mirrors both the visible and invisible trails of radical topographical and social dislocation in the small town. These regional transformations – driven by war, migration, foreign investments, infrastructural policy, and land politics – reflect the condition of many former Yugoslav territories.

Performance: Amel Bešlagić, architect, artist, filmmaker, Graz

Panel: Disruptive Infrastructures
Gregor Pirgie, art historian, Natural History Museum of Vienna
Phillip Sattler, IZK Institute for Contemporary Art, Graz
Moderation: Noit Banai, Diaspora Aesthetics, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna & Hamida Sivac, art historian, University of Vienna

Mirage (2024), R: Amel Bešlagić, 5 min., English / Subtitles in English
Routes of Hope (2024), R: Amel Beslagic, Screening-Performance 20 min., English / Subtitles in English