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Documenting the War in Ukraine


Project Presentations and Panel Discussion

The war unleashed by the Russian regime against Ukraine has brought devastating consequences, depriving people of their lives, homes and hopes, destroying the country’s economy, environment, cultural and historical sites. Today no one can predict when this war will end. It is time to ask: How will this war be remembered? What needs to be remembered, retold and passed on? What is already being documented, and what is being left out of the view of activists and historians? What narratives are emerging about the war outside of Ukraine, namely in the countries of the European Union?

This discussion is part of the project ReThinking NOW – How Will We Remember the War in Ukraine?
Languages: English and Ukrainian with English translation

Victoria Bulychova, historian, Museum an der Frontlinie. Krisenmanagement zum Schutz des kulturellen Erbes
Georg Bürstmayr, Austrian politician (Grüne), lawyer
Olga Guzhva, frontline journalist, sociologist, psychologist
Stefan Melle, Civil Society Cooperation Dialogue Office
Emine Ziyatdinova, journalist, Ukrainian Warchive
Moderation: Luzia Tschirky, journalist, author, podcast host

In cooperation with the Civil Society Cooperation Dialogue Office.

Auch nachzuhören auf Radio Orange 94.0.