
February 2024

Thursday, 22. February 2024,

D/Arts Sessions

Encouraging Practices

The event series D/Arts Sessions takes a closer look at collective and community-based forms of collaboration. In this session, we explore how people work together in art and community projects. Led by the artist collective Mai Ling, we focus on creating places and networks for people who face discrimination.
Mai Ling presents a diverse array of artistic and discursive practices to address strategies to navigate conditions shaped by intersectional discrimination and microaggressions while seeking transformative and collective emancipation and healing.
Mai Ling, which started in Vienna in 2019, is an anonymous artist collective. They talk about and deal with racism, sexism, homophobia, and other unfair treatment, especially against Asian FLINT* (women, lesbian, inter*, non-binary, and trans*).

Mai Ling, artist collective, Vienna

In cooperation with D/Arts.

April 2024

Friday, 12. April 2024,

Postmigrantisches Wien

Die Stadt, ihre Infrastruktur und ihre Institutionen

Keine Stadt ohne Migration: Zuwanderung hinterließ ihre Spuren in historischen Urbanisierungsprozessen, wie sie auch die Gegenwart unserer Städte prägt. Aber spiegelt sich diese Realität auch in den etablierten Institutionen der Stadt? Werden sie der Pluralität gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse gerecht? Wie steht es um den Zugang zu Ressourcen, zu Räumen und Infrastrukturen, wie um die Teilhabe an den Entscheidungsprozessen um das städtische Zusammenleben? Und was bedeuten sie alle für die Perspektive einer möglichen solidarischen Stadt?

Gordana Crnko, IG Kultur Wien
Mbatijua Hambira, Kültür Gemma, Wien
Ivana Pilić, Moderatorin, Autorin, D/Arts, Wien
Amila Širbegović, TU Wien
Moderation: Michael Klein & Maik Novotny, ÖGFA, Wien

Eine Veranstaltung der ÖGFA – Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur.

April 2023

Schwerpunkt 2023: Brüchige Ordnungen
Thursday, 27. April 2023,

D/Arts Sessions

Practices of Care

The new event series D/Arts Sessions takes a closer look at collective and community-based forms of collaboration. The kick-off’s focus is on the aspect of care in connection with artistic work as a practice: In the lecture performance Curating from Cure, Denise Palmieri levitates a healing vocabulary.
She unfolds narratives and aspects of care as a collective practice. The format Vivências creates a space in which the difficult conditions of artistic work can be reflected upon in solidarity and mindfulness. Based on these experiences we derive how we would like to use the impulse for our own ways of working.

Denise Palmieri, performer, curator, board member VBKÖ, Vienna
Marissa Lôbo, artist, activist, kültür gemma!, Vienna

In cooperation with D/Arts.

May 2023

Schwerpunkt 2023: Brüchige Ordnungen
Thursday, 25. May 2023,

D/Arts Sessions

Community-based working

The event series D/Arts Sessions takes a closer look at collective and community-based forms of collaboration. This session explores transdisciplinary expressions of collective work, as it can be pursued in a fluidity of formats. To avoid singular narratives of politics and history, we must imagine, examine and experiment with different concepts of collectivity and tackle the possibilities of repeating mechanisms of exclusion by ignoring unequal power dynamics and privileges.

Performance by Gabriel Moncayo Asan and VMAAHR (Vienna Master of Arts in Applied Human Rights) students: Myriel Meißner, Sarah Achar Sacal, Chiara Piga, Mohammad Abou Chucker, Talin Seigmann, Marina Abagge, Navika Deol, Miriam Winkler.

Sheri Avraham, artist, researcher, curator, performer, Vienna
Gabriel Moncayo Asan, curator, stylist, editor, producer, Vienna

In cooperation with D/Arts.

May 2022

Friday, 13. May 2022,

D/Netzwerk Brunch


Gemeinsam wird diskutiert, wie D/Arts zukünftig als Büro vieler Institutionen in Wien etabliert werden kann und welche mögliche Formen der Mitgliedschaft(en) zielführend sind.
D/Arts ist ein Projekt von vielen Akteur*innen, Initiativen und Institutionen und arbeitet in breiter Allianz für mehr Diversität im Kultursektor.


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Zehn Jahre Depot (PDF)
Veranstaltungen 1994–2004

25 Jahre Depot (PDF)
Broschüre 1994–2019